Sunday, February 26, 2012

"Camp In" Sleepover....

Friday night was my little girls first sleepover! and of course mommy had to make it extra special! So i themed it up for and go all out for her and her little friend!!!  So mommy started planing early....and by Friday night I had it all planed out, from the indoor campfire to making sure they had their S'mores! And of course they had to have a tent to stay in, i was just going to use a card table but my husband couldn't have that for his little girl, she had to have the best!  So he got up early and made her one! They enjoyed themselves and had a blast, even stayed up past their bedtime! (tho they only made it till 11pm)
This is the tent my husband made for the girls

Our "camp fire"
Even had a "night sky" for them
"Roasting" hot dogs over the fire
He was their "big bear"
Ghost story time!
(tho you cant tell its pitch black other then their flash light, due to my night time camera setting)

And the tickle bug attacked!
S'more time!!!  (over a candle)

Our S'mores!

In the end i have to say i don't know who had more fun, them or us!! It was a blast!

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